The standard price per vehicle is £40.00 a month payable quarterly
in advance (£120/Qtr). Vehicles are restricted to a maximum length 7 meters.
It may be possible to accommodate larger vehicles at an additional
cost by agreement with the storage provider (guideline cost £140/Qtr).
Vehicle cleaning and servicing facilities (access to cleaning area,
hose pipe, brushes etc), can
be used for a nominal charge of £3 per vehicle. Use of these
facilities is arranged by prior agreement with the storage provider.
A lavatory is available for use by vehicle owners.
The site is located in Goodworth Clatford, a village 2 miles south
west of Andover in Hampshire.
- For security reasons access must be arranged with the storage
provider 24 hrs in advance
- All vehicles stored on the site must be at least 3rd party insured
- A deposit of £40 will be required
- Payment must be made quarterly in advance
- Minimum rental term is 3 months
- Customers will be required to sign a terms of agreement and
provide passport or driving licence identification.
Full details of the Terms of Agreement will be provided on request.
For enquiries and additional information please contact
Carleton Thompson on 0795 279 1790.